Bmp4 (Bone morphogenetic protein 4) – MGI gene detail Description: Bmp4 is expressed in both epithelium and mesenchyme at E12.5. Its expression is restricted to the mesenchyme from E13.5. Bmp4 is expressed only in the anterior and distal regions of the palatal shelves. Source: Zhang et al. (2002) Rescue of cleft palate in Msx1-deficient mice by transgenic…Continue Reading Bmp4 gene expression
Category: Growth factors
Fgf10 gene expression
Fgf10 (Fibroblast growth factor 10) – MGI gene detail Description: Fgf10 is expressed in the mesenchyme of the anterior region of the developing palate and it is restricted to the oral side. Source: Alappat et al. (2005) The cellular and molecular etiology of the cleft secondary palate in Fgf10 mutant mice. Dev Biol 277(1): 102-13….Continue Reading Fgf10 gene expression
Fgf9 gene expression
Fgf9 (Fibroblast growth factor 9) – MGI gene detail Description: Fgf9 is expressed in the palatal epithelium along the AP axis at E13.5. At E14.5, Fgf9 is expressed in both the epithelium and the osteogenic mesenchyme along the AP axis. Source: Iwata et al. (2012) Fibroblast growth factor 9 (FGF9)-pituitary homeobox 2 (PITX2) pathway mediates transforming growth…Continue Reading Fgf9 gene expression
Fgf7 gene expression
Fgf7 (Fibroblast growth factor 7) – MGI gene detail Description: At E12.5 and E13.5, Fgf7 is expressed in the mesenchyme along the AP axis and it is restricted to the nasal side. At E14.5, Fgf7 is expressed along the AP and ON axes of the palate. Sources: Han et al., 2009 Indirect modulation of Shh signaling by…Continue Reading Fgf7 gene expression
Tgfb3 gene expression
Tgfb3 (Transforming growth factor beta 3) – MGI gene detail Description: Tgfb3 is expressed in the midline epithelium before the palatal shelves have contact in the midline (E14.0) until the complete disappearance of the MEE (E15.5). Sources: Yang LT, Li LY & Kaartinen V, 2008. Tissue-specific expression of Cre recombinase from the Tgfb3 locus. Genesis 46(2):112-8. Jackson…Continue Reading Tgfb3 gene expression